ARTIBAT will be held 22 to 24 Oct 2025 in Rennes, France. ARTIBAT is the major event for the construction sector in the region, which brings together, under the same roof, all the sector’s economic stakeholders (manufacturers, distributors, tradesmen and SME, local authority technical services, opinion leaders, professionals and public, etc.). It is considered as a genuine platform for exchanges between professionals. Totally the Surface area is about 65,000 m² of exhibition space. More than 1,000 exhibitors and 40,000 visitors are expected in this exhibition. This event is a concept which has attracted visitors for 28 years. At the ARTIBAT Show with a multiple, varied and innovative offering The Structural Timber, Timber Frames and Roofing sector will be well represented. The Heavy Equipment - sector benefits from a large exhibition space with 20,000 m² devoted to public works equipment, building site machines and demonstrations of working machinery. The Heating-Sanitary-Electricity sector is one of the largest sectors at the ARTIBAT Show.It covers 7,700 m² of exhibition space devoted to the products and materials presented by the market’s main stakeholders. ARTIBAT is an event and I like events...
10 universes centred on products, equipment, materials and innovations.
40,000 qualified progessional visitors
A 100% professional, 100% business Show
65% of visitors are buyers
More than 30% of visitors have an estimate drawn up or place an order at the Show.