Visitors of Elfack:
The visitors are working within the following sectors:
- Electrical/building installations
- Lighting
- Electricity distribution
- Security
- Telecom/Computers
- Automation
- Industry
- Construction company
- Property management
- Electrical supplies wholesalers
- Consultancy
- Public sector
- Energy production
- Education/training
- Electrical supplies retailer
- Architect´s office
- Electrical consultant
And they have the following position:
- Electrician
- Low voltage installation techician
- Installation manager
- Service technician
- Design/Construction
- Project Manager
- Construction manager
- Energy adviser
- Electrical consultant
- Building/technical consultant
- Lighting designer
- Purchasing
- Management
- Salesman/marketing man
- Architect
- Technical Manager
- Security/Safety manager
- Operations and maintenance manager
- Machine/insturment technician
- Planner/organiser
- Line installer
- Property manager
- Property caretaker
For further information, please click
here .